
Visual Basic remains the most dreaded developer language1, but it's still extremely useful for the many that use Excel Spreadsheets. A future translation of the code to Google App Script is not currently in the works, but could be a future development.

This repo is distrubuted under the MIT License and provides a set of user-defined functions and stored procedures for the transformation, manipulation, and management of data. Enjoy! :punch:

Current list of UDFs

Function Description
TextTransform Cleans a string
RegExTester Test a string for a regex pattern
LOOKUPALL Modified lookup that returns all matches of a single value to a single cell
LOOKUPLIST Modified lookup that returns the first match of multiple values to a single cell

Current list of stored procedures

Procedure Description
RearrangeColumns Rearranges columnar data to your specification
CustomFilterBySelection Filters a field for a list of preselected values

Example Usage

In each example, an abbrevaited version of the of UDF is provided as a reference. Please see the code comments for parameter details.

TextTransform(t [, IgnoreCase, IgnoreSpace = False, IgnoreSymbol = False,
    IgnoreNumber = False, IgnoreQuote = False])

Sample usage image for TextTransform

RegExTester(pattern, setence [, outputTrueFalse = False, MatchAll = False,
    delimiter = ","])

Sample usage image for RegExTester

LOOKUPALL(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num [, delim = ","])

Sample usage image for LOOKUPALL

LOOKUPLIST(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num [, lookup_as_num = False,
    hlook = False, input_delim = ",", output_delim = ","])

Sample usage image for LOOKUPLIST

Call RearrangeColumns()

Sample usage image for rearrangeColumns

Call CustomFilterBySelection()

Sample usage image for CustomFilterBySelection